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Meet the judges!
The process to decide the Headlinemoney Awards category winners is carried out by more than a hundred judges comprising senior financial journalists, editors and PRs drawn from around the UK’s money media. They are part of an extensive, two-stage judging process, kindly giving their time and expertise to review entries, and participate in a round of scoring followed by comprehensive online panel discussions, overseen by the Chair of Judges, David Worsfold.
For journalists, this [winning a Headlinemoney Award] can be a huge, huge deal, it can offer the most amazing boost.
Great, great entries… we are fortunate these people care enough about this subject to write such great stuff… we’re going to be guaranteed some great coverage for years to come, which is heartening.
There were a lot of really, really good entries this year. Given that so many of the shortlist were scored so highly and so tightly just shows the quality of the candidates.
A huge thank you to all the 2024 judges!
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